Advanced Placement (AP)

Huntingdon College participates in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Students who have taken any Advanced Placement exams should have the test results sent directly from AP to the Registrar’s Office in order to receive credit. Credit is awarded at the discretion of Huntingdon College and each department, and students should not assume that credit will be awarded automatically. Three to eight (3 – 8) semester hours of credit may be granted for each AP Examination passed with a score of three or higher in courses accepted by Huntingdon College. The number of hours granted is determined by each departmental area. A $25 per credit hour recording fee is assessed.

Current Awarding of Advanced Placement (AP) - As of July 18, 2024

Art 2D Design4+ARTS 2013 Semester Hours
Art 3D Design4+ARTS 2023 Semester Hours
Art History3+ARTS1XX3 Semester Hours
Art Studio (General)3+ARTS1XX3 Semester Hours
Art Studio (Drawing)3+ARTS2033 Semester Hours
Biology3+BIOL 101 & 103L4 Semester Hours
Calculus AB3+MATH 2553 Semester Hours
Calculus BC5MATH 255 & 2566 Semester Hours
Calculus BC3 or 4MATH 2553 Semester Hours
Chemistry3+CHEM 105, 106, 115L & 116L8 Semester Hours
Computer Science A3+OTHE1XX3 Semester Hours
Computer Science Principles3+OTHE1XX3 Semester Hours
Economics - Macro4+ECON 2023 Semester Hours
Economics - Micro4+ECON 2013 Semester Hours
English Lang/Comp3+ENGL 103 & 1046 Semester Hours
English Lit/Comp4+ENGL 104 & 1XX6 Semester Hours
English Lit/Comp3ENGL 1043 Semester Hours
Environmental Science3+BIOL 1613 Semester Hours
European History/Western Civ3+HIST 101 & 1026 Semester Hours
French Language4+FREN 101, 102 & 2019 Semester Hours
French Language3FREN 101 & 1026 Semester Hours
German Language4+GERM 101, 102 & 2019 Semester Hours
German Language3GERM 101 & 1026 Semester Hours
Government & Politics, American3+PSCI 2013 Semester Hours
Human Geography3+OTHE 1XX3 Semester Hours
Music Theory5MUSC 107 & 1084 Semester Hours
Music Theory4MUSC 1072 Semester Hours
Physics 1: Algebra-Based3+PHYS1513 Semester Hours
Physics B3+PHYS1528 Semester Hours
Physics C: Elec. & Mag.3+PHYS 1XX4 Semester Hours
Physics C: Mechanics3+PHYS 1XX4 Semester Hours
Precalculus3MATH1543 Semester Hours
Precalculus4MATH1553 Semester Hours
Precalculus5MATH154 & MATH1556 Semester Hours
Psychology3+PSYC 2013 Semester Hours
Seminar4+OTHE1XX3 Semester Hours
Spanish Language4+SPAN 101, 102 & 2019 Semester Hours
Spanish Language3SPAN 101 & 1026 Semester Hours
Statistics3+MATH 1713 Semester Hours
United States History3+HIST 205 & 2066 Semester Hours
World History3+HIST 111 & 1126 Semester Hours

Cambridge International Examination (CIE/AICE)

Huntingdon College may award credit for students who participate in the Cambridge International Examination (CIE) program of Cambridge University. Students who have taken college-level courses and who would like to apply for academic credit at Huntingdon should take the appropriate Cambridge International Examination and have the official score report sent to the Office of the Registrar. The College reviews and evaluates each CIE examination and score on an individual basis in the context of a student’s proposed area of study. Credit is awarded at the discretion of the College, and students should not assume that credit will be awarded automatically. The number of hours granted, as well as course equivalency, is determined by the corresponding academic program. A $25.00 recording fee per awarded credit hour is assessed.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Huntingdon College awards up to thirty semester hours of credit for satisfactory performance (50th percentile or higher) on the tests of the College Level Examination Program provided that the examination area is comparable to a course offered for credit at Huntingdon College. Although students who wish to receive credit granted on this basis are encouraged to take Subject Examinations, the thirty hours permitted may be taken in Subject Examinations, General Examinations or both. However, no credit will be granted on the basis of General Examinations taken after the student has entered college. Students wishing to receive credit based on CLEP scores should request the College Entrance Examination Board to send the official score report directly to the Registrar of Huntingdon College. A $25.00 per credit hour recording fee is assessed for all accepted CLEP scores. Subject or General Examinations not listed below may be considered for credit upon written request.

Current Awarding of College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit - As of May 1, 2019

College Level Subject ExaminationsMinimum Score for Credit (for paper & pencil testing)Minimum Score for Credit (for computer based testing)Course Equivalent Awarded
Principles of Accounting (No longer available after 06/30/07)4750ACCT201 & 202
Financial Accounting--50ACCT201
American Government4750PSC 201
American Literature4650ENGL221 & 222
Introductory Business Law--50BADM302
College Algebra--50MATH154
Computer Systems & Computer Applications5052COMP105
General Biology4650BIOL101
General ChemistryNANANA
Educational Psychology--50PSYC000
English Literature4650ENGL211 & 212
French Language--50-59FREN101
French Language--60-69FREN101 & 102
French Language--70+FREN101, 102 & 201
College Composition4750ENGL103 & 104
Analyzing & Interpreting Literature4750ENGL202
German Language--50-59GERM101
German Language--60-69GERM101 & 102
German Language--70+GERM101, 102 & 201
Human Growth & Development--50PSYC327
Principles of Macroeconomics4850ECON202
Principles of Microeconomics4750ECON201
Principles of Management5050BADM312
Principles of Marketing5050BADM303
Introductory Psychology4750PSYC201
Introductory Sociology4750OTHE000
Spanish Language--50-59SPAN101
Spanish Language--60-69SPAN101 & 102
Spanish Language--70+SPAN101, 102 & 201
U.S. History I: Early Colonizations to 18774550HIST 205
U.S. History II: 1865 to the Present4550HIST 206
Western Civilization I4950HIST 101
Western Civilization II4850HIST 102
College Level General ExaminationsMinimum Score for Credit (for paper & pencil testing)Minimum Score for Credit(for computer based testing)Course Equivalent AwardedCredit Hours Awarded
English Composition60050ENGL 000 (except for those who have also been awarded credits for taking the Freshman College Composition exam3 Semester Hours
Humanities45250Elective hours only6 Semester Hours
Mathematics44650Elective hours only6 Semester Hours
Natural Sciences44750Elective hours only6 Semester Hours
Social Sciences and History45350Elective hours only6 Semester Hours

Transfer Credit Policy

Transfer credit is granted for any course taken at a regionally accredited college or university in which the student has earned a grade of “D” or better or in the case of a course taken on a “Pass/Fail” basis, a grade of “P”, provided that the course is deemed comparable to a course offered for academic credit at Huntingdon College or is of such a nature that it would carry academic credit if it were offered by the College. Courses that do not have an equivalent at Huntingdon College and are of such a nature that they would carry academic credit if offered by the College will receive an appropriate prefix and be numbered “000.” In some cases, following the appropriate prefix, the course level will be represented by the first digit with “xx” to follow (e.g. 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx). In either case, such courses granted as elective transfer credit will count toward the total number of academic credits required for the degree but are not necessarily applicable toward the core curriculum, major, or minor requirements. A grade of “C“ or higher is required for courses fulfilling a major or minor requirement. Transfer credit will not be granted for courses which belong in one or more of the following categories: (a) courses in professional, vocational, or sectarian religious study, or (b) courses below the level of introductory courses at Huntingdon College. The College does not grant credit for attendance in service schools or training programs in the Armed Forces unless it can be demonstrated that such attendance is the equivalent of a course or courses offered at Huntingdon College. Academic courses taken while on military service at accredited colleges, universities, or language institutes may be transferred in the normal manner. Based on a review of an official transcript, credit may be awarded for general military training. Academic credit will not be granted for work done while a student was placed on academic suspension or the equivalent at a previous institution. Evaluations of credits earned from other institutions are made after a student has been selected for admission and has indicated an intention to enroll. No student may assume that credit will be given for work at other institutions until a written statement of credit accepted from the Office of the Registrar is received. Grades and credits from other institutions are not included in the student’s grade point average at Huntingdon. The only grade average recorded on the student’s permanent record is that which he or she earns at Huntingdon College. Additionally,
  • A maximum of 64 semester hours earned at two-year institutions may be credited toward the 120 hour degree requirement.
  • A maximum of 90 semester hours of transfer work may be credited toward the 120 hour degree requirement.
  • Courses used to meet teacher certification requirements must have been completed at a regionally accredited institution.
  • Initial transcript evaluations are subject to change for students who do not matriculate within the academic year of admission to the College.
  • Other criteria for matriculated students regarding transferring credit from other institutions is available in the College catalog.
  • A list of institutions with whom Huntingdon College has an articulation agreement is available on the College’s Consumer Information page.
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